Jumat, 05 Februari 2021


 Source: http://rise.smeru.or.id/en/blog/covid-19-widening-indonesia%E2%80%99s-education-gap

Three Indonesian children were learning from home with adequate equipment and facilities — a laptop and table for each child. A desperate father stole a smartphone to help his son’s distance learning. Three high school students were caught for attempted robbery — they wanted money to buy a smartphone for online-learning purposes. These three stories went viral in Indonesia, revealing home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic is amplifying Indonesia’s existing education inequalities.

 The Indonesian government introduced a distance-learning policy in mid-March 2020. Teachers, students and parents are facing many challenges as a result.

SMERU study — a portrait of the first three months of home-based learning — captures variations in the learning practices of Indonesian students. Unequal access to facilities and infrastructure, differences in remote-teaching abilities, the type and location of schools, as well as students’ environment at home contribute to these variations.

Distance learning relies heavily on network coverage, yet the data shows that coverage varies highly between regions. According to Statistics Indonesia, in 2018 more villages in Java received a strong signal compared to other regions of Indonesia, followed by Sumatra, Sulawesi, Bali and Kalimantan, respectively. Only 25 per cent of Maluku and Papua received a strong signal.

Because of unequal Internet access and poor network coverage, many teachers are unable to teach to the best of their ability. About 30 per cent of teachers in Java do not teach every working day. The proportion is even higher for teachers outside Java, where as many as 50 per cent do not teach every day.

In many cases, their students have either no smartphone or internet access. These teachers visit their students and usually only hand out assignments (without teaching at all). This practice is common in public schools in rural areas, particularly outside Java. Teachers in these areas are often unable to assess their students’ assignments or provide opportunities for question and answer sessions.

Under COVID-19 social-distancing restrictions that force people to stay at home, parents play an important role in supporting their children’s learning. But not all parents have the capacity to give this support. Those from poor families experience difficulties supporting their children’s home-based learning due to limited facilities such as not having a smartphone or Internet data. The situation is complicated if the family has only one smartphone but more than one child  learning remotely.

SMERU finds that students with above-average performance in class are likely to have a supportive home environment. They live in urban areas, with better access to facilities during remote learning. Their well-educated parents actively participate in guiding their learning from home as well as communicating with their teachers regularly.

Children with poorly educated parents, and who live in rural areas, tend to spend their time playing rather than studying. Their parents are usually unaware of their children’s education and they are less likely to participate in children’s learning because they do not know how to fill that role.

These findings confirm that children from lower socio-economic backgrounds suffer a proportionally greater loss due to COVID-19 school closures. The education and learning that they miss out on  has a dramatic negative impact in the long run.

The government’s ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy fails to address problems because the situation varies for teachers, students and parents. The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) needs to consider better special interventions for teachers and students in areas with limited infrastructure. This should involve scheduling additional teacher visits or setting up more open-air schools. Schools can also assess student and parent needs for learning support such as more detailed guidelines for parents, phone credit support and training for teachers to adapt to the new learning environment.

To avoid further gaps in education, teachers need to know the level of their students’ abilities during the home-based learning period until schools are fully reopened. Schools, with the assistance of the district education agency, can conduct periodic assessments to identify students’ learning level.

Teachers need to apply differentiated teaching approaches based on their students’ needs. The MoEC can develop practical guidelines for this approach for teachers, along with providing support or a platform for teachers to improve their ability in implementing it. The government should also develop a system to monitor teachers as well as students during the distance learning period.

In the long run, the government must boost equitable infrastructure development. The government should also invest in teacher education reform such as developing a curriculum specifically for distance learning and education emergencies as well as mastery of teaching technology.

So class, please give your opinion regarding the article above and also tell me about your experience during online learning in the comment box below. Cheers!

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Sinopsis Lengkap PINOCCHIO episode 1 - 20 (END)

Detail Drama
Judul : Pinocchio
Genre : Fantasy, Romance , Family
Jumlah Episode : Akan di Konfirmasi
Stasiun TV : SBS
Jadwal Tayang : Rabu dan Kamis jam 21.55 kst

Cast/ Pemain
Park Shin Hye sebagai Choi In Ha
Noh Jung Ui sebagai young In Ha
Lee Jong Suk sebagai Choi Dal Po
Kim Young Kwang sebagai Seo Bum Jo
Lee Yoo Bi sebagai Yoon Yoo Rae
Lee Pil Mo sebagai Hwang Gyo Dong

Drama ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang akan menjadi wartawan. Ketika dihadapkan dengan kebenaran mereka akan menangis, bisa terluka, dan putus asa, namun saat mereka tumbuh dewasa mereka akan menyadari bahwa melindungi kebenaran adalah pekerjaan mereka.
Drama ini merupakan comeback park shin hye setelah drama the heirs dan comeback lee jong suk setelah drama doctor stranger. tunggu kelanjutan kisahnya dengan menyimak sinopsisnya disini ya..

sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 1 sampai akhir

  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 1 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 2 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 3 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 4 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 5 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 6 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 7 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 8 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 9 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 10 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 11 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 12 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 13 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 14 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 15 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 16 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 17 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 18 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 19 part 1 | part 2
  • sinopsis lengkap drama korea pinocchio episode 20 part 1 | part 2 (END)
 Sumber : KDramatized, BerbagiSinopsis

Selasa, 21 April 2015

Sinopsis Drama Korea Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 1 - 20 (TAMAT)

Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll Me merupakan salah satu drama korea yang tayang di awal tahun 2015. Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll Me atau juga dikenal Hyde Jekyll I ini mengusung genre drama komedi romantis.
Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll Me
Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll I sekilas memang seperti mirip dengan Drama Korea Kill Me Heal Me yang sama-sama bercerita tentang seseorang yang memiliki kerpibadian ganda. Namun Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll Me menceritakan seseorang yang memiliki 2 kepribadian yang saling bertentangan.

Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll MeHyde Jekyll I :
Judul : 하이드 지킬, 나 / Hyde, Jekyll, I / Hyde Jekyll Me
Genre : Drama | Romance | Komedi
Jumlah Episode : 20 Episode
Periode Tayang : 21 Januari 2015 - 26 Maret 2015
Jadwal Tayang : SBS | Rabu dan Kamis (21.55 KST)
Pemeran Utama : Hyun Bin | Han Ji-min
Plot Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll Me :
Sinopsis Drama Korea Hyde Jekyll I
Gu Seo-jin (Hyun Bin) adalah seorang konglomerat (chaebol) generasi ketiga yang menjalankan bisnis taman Wonder Land. Seo-jin tampak memiliki segala-galanya, penampilan, otak dan keberuntungan. Tapi kejadian traumatis di masa kecilnya menjadikan Seo-jin memiliki kelainan psikologis berupa kepribadian ganda.
Kepribadian yang pertama menggambarkan sosok yang dingin, kejam dan tertutup seperti Hyde. Sedangkan kepribadian lainnya adalah kebalikan dari yang pertama yaitu seperti Jekyll yang manis dan lembut. Oleh Karena itu, Seo-jin berjanji tidak akan pernah berpacaran atau menikah.
Suatu hari Seo-jin ingin menutup pertunjukan sirkus di Wonder Land karena penjualan tiket yang rendah sedangkan biaya operasionalnya yang tinggi. Tetapi Jang Ha-na (Han Ji-min) yang merupakan leader dari sirkus tersebut memohon untuk Seo-jin tidak menutup sirkusnya itu karena sirkus itu adalah satu-satunya pekerjaannya. 
Dengan kondisi sirkus yang rencanya akan ditutup, Ha-na berusaha keras untuk mempertahankan sirkusnya. Ha-na sumpah untuk menjaga sirkusnya dan bercita-cita mengembalikan sirkusinya ke masa kejayaannya. Entah bagaimana ceritanya, Ha-na jatuh cinta kepada kedua kepribadian Hyde dan Jekyll yang dimiliki oleh Seo-jin.
Lalu apa sebenarnya yang membuat Ha-na jatuh hati kepada Seo-jin yang memiliki kepribadian ganda ? Lantas apa yang harus di lakukan oleh Ha-na untuk menyelamatkan sirkusnya ?

Simak selengkapnya di Sinopsis Drama Korea Hyde, Jekyll, Me.
Happy Reading !!!
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 1 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 2 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 3 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 4 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 5 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 6 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 7 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 8 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 9 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 10 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 11 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 12 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 13 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 14 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 15
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 16 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 17 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 18 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 19 Part 1 | Part 2
Sinopsis Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 20 Part 1 | Part 2 (END)

Harap komentarnya apabila ada link yang salah :)


I'm back eperibadeeeeh..

Yeah for my reborn ini, gw akan menambahkan tema postingan gw yang tadinya cuma buat download-download lagu, berhubung sekarang lagi demam korea gara-gara RCTI yang mulai nayangin lagi K-Drama yang nge-heiittss, gw termasuk orang yg mengikuti beberapa drama yang ditayangkan. Kelewat 1 episode ajah, riweuuuh nyari sinopsis drama itu.. Daaaan... gw pikir luamayan juga kalo gw posting link-link sinopsis drama favorit yg gw baca sebagai referensi temen-temen yang mau beli DVD nya.. Heheheee..

Sebagai permulaan, berikut drama-drama yang akan gw posting :

2. Bride Of The Century

3. Pinocchio


Dan masih banyak lagiii...

wait for my next post yaaaa :)

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Free Download Mp3 Big Bang - Tonight (Japanese Version)

This song is just for preview,
Please Buy original CDs so that they can still work with other new song.
This file is not mine, but I found on the search google and etc